20 tricks that'll help u grow taller

Here are 20 things you can do to grow taller:

20. supplementing boron: boron is a forgotten mineral which is crucial for bones and is naturally found in dried fruit studies have shown that supplementing boron adds up around 4% of extra height on ostriches, that translates to around 4 inches in humans (ofcourse ostriches are different bla bla bla) boron also works synergistically with vit D and magnesium which are all regulators of calcium that is being stored in bones. researchgate.net/publication/50


19. getting sunlight on your b@lls: getting the infrared spectrum from sunlight on your b@lls will supercharge the mitochondria in your Leydig cells to create a load of Testosterone. Testosterone is very anabolic to bone. researchgate.net/publication/50


18. eating bone broth: Collagen is the second most abundant ingredient of bones after Hydroxyapatite (calcium and phosphor) collagen is also what the Epiphysis is made out of. Let bone broth be one of the most dense sources of Collagen you can get from your diet (or gelatin powder: aesthetic-alimentum.com/products/beef-) pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1398632/


17. drink raw cow milk: Milk is exceptionally rich in building blocks needed for height growth. Animal protein, lysine, calcium and even special proteins like lactoferrin are the reason why milk is great for longer bones. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P


16. walk barefoot: grounding barefoot might be one of the best ROS reducing activities there is, lowering all markers of inflammation along with de clotting red blood cells from each other. grounding is the superior way to improve blood flow and growth. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P and ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P


15. more GABA: GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter which seems to be great at increasing levels of growth hormone. Amino acids such as Taurine, Glycine or even minerals such as Magnesium and Zinc are great ways to ensure proper GABA levels. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23075553/


14 buteyko breathing: for the body to utilize oxygen the oxygen needs to be uncoupled from the hemoglobin. This is co2 it's job, it increases oxygen in the cell. Example is when you hyperventilate, co2 levels decrease and cell oxygenation drops. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P


13. play basketball: when you play basketball the constant jumping and exercising will force your shinbones to grow. this is because this type of strain will create micro fractures and a subconscious belief that you need to grow (to touch the rim) ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P


12. start mewing: Mewing, which is essentially proper tongue posture helps calm the nervous system. This is because there are some nerve endings of the vagus nerve in the mouth and it will sense the tongue pressing on the palate. ending up in the tongue stimulating the vagus nerve. Stimulated vagus nerve = activated parasympathetic state = increased activity of Osteoblasts (bone building cells) ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P


11. believe in it: when your mind is on your side you can’t fail (no source needed)


10. breathing into your b@lls: breathing into your b@lls is just a fancy sentence for directing the air you breathe into your pelvis which ensures proper activation of the diaphragm. proper activation of the diaphragm during breathing actually decompresses the spine which can help the intervertebral discs of the spine to get bigger (your spine will get longer) to add on top of that, the diaphragm also aids in postural stability ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P


9. losing weight: if you are chunky you need to lose that weight. not only is it a sign that your metabolism is slow but you are also messing with your endocrine system because your body is full of aromatase that converts your testosterone into estrogen (which also closes growth plates faster) pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11399122/#:~:t and eor.bioscientifica.com/view/journals/


8. 100+ gram of protein: are there still people eating less than 100 grams of protein a day? don't ever count your protein intake (that's they) but just naturally eat a lot of protein. just look up the chart of average animal protein consumption and height per country sciencedirect.com/science/articl


7. raw goat milk: even better than raw cow milk: - better amino acid balance - more vitamin c - Phosphor Inositol - more similar to human milk


6. good posture: proper posture can help your spine in the fight it has against gravity. do you have any idea how many guys walk shorter than they are just cause they slouch?


5. eating raw carrots: raw carrots bind to endotoxins found in the gut (r.i.p. Ray Peat) and are extremely effective at lowering Estrogen by helping the liver to process the hormone.


4. watching the sunrise and sunset everyday: circadian rhythm will be completely good once it is calibrated this way circadian rhythm is what regulates EVERY biological aspect in the body including sleep nature.com/articles/s4136


3. eat oysters: D-aspartic acid, various peptides, zinc, manganese and pretty much every other fatty acid, water soluble vitamin and mineral known to man. simply a superior food


2. sprinting: the most anabolic exercise known to man? if you would look at the results it has on hormones you would say yes. sprinting for 5 sets of 10 seconds will spike growth hormone up to 771% pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14985991/


1. the skyscraper method: if you though these 20 tips were quality info, just wait until you've read The Skyscraper Method. It is a course in which I included everything I know about increasing your height. Check it out here: https://aesthetic-alimentum.com/products/the-skyscraper-method

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